Windrift Hill Goat Milk Soaps
All-Natural, Moisturizing Goat Milk Soaps and Bath Products
Goat milk is a natural moisturizer that is high in proteins, minerals, and vitamins that are easily absorbed into the skin. The number one reason for this is that healthy goats produce healthy milk which equals healthy skin and hair. Each of our Nubian goats is hand milked two times daily to ensure high-quality milk for Windrift Hill products.
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Our Healthy Herd of Nubian Goats, Hand-Milked Twice Daily
Our days here are filled to the brim from mornings to evenings feeding and milking our girls, a top priority. Our herd of at least forty adult Nubian Goats and numerous kids are raised on a hill facing the beautiful Rocky Mountain Front. Each doe is hand milked twice daily and produces an average of one gallon of milk per day.
All milk produced by the goats is turned into 110,000 bars of soap, 35,000 tubs of body butter, and 150,000 bottles of lotion each year.